Targets and Upcoming Plans

The Veil Nebula

The Veil Nebula is a beautiful target that has been visible for most of June through August. The Veil Nebula is relatively dim for me because it’s the remains of a supernova and is mostly super-heated gas. Since it was available for so long I decided to try to capture various aspects of it. I started with the Western Veil, NGC 6960, and moved to Eastern Veil, NGC 6995. After a few nights on those popular targets, I noticed there was much more to be seen within the whole complex of the Veil Nebula. So, I started taking pictures of a nebulous region, NGC 6974. This is close to the Pickering’s Triangle and gives a different perspective of this region.

The American Nebula

The American Nebula is another target that stays high in the sky during August for my location. It’s relatively bright compared to the Veil Nebula because it’s an emissions nebula. A popular target within the nebula is the Cygnus Wall. Since the American Nebula is too big for my focal length (416mm), I will likely mosaic or explore these substructures more.

As I explore I will update the post.

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